Well, Chef Jeremiah would like to apologize for another late blog update.
It was Christmas not too long ago, and as per usual family custom, we all exchanged our Christmas lists. There was a multitude of items on CJ's list, including a banana rack. No, Heather, not a banana hammock - a banana rack.
The purpose of a banana rack is to keep your bananas off the counter, and thus minimize any bruising they may experience. Does anyone like bruised bananas? Of course not!
This is what my sister-in-law had in mind:
But this is what I was looking for:
And who gifted the rack? None other than Jack:
How do I know Jack gave CJ the gift? He signed the tag, of course:
What a horse! Such pleasant hand(hoof?)-writing!
The grade: 7.0 out of 10.0